Revealing the Fascinating Secrets of Devgiri Fort: An Enchanting Voyage Through History

Explore the captivating history and hidden treasures of Devgiri Fort, a legendary stronghold that has witnessed centuries of glory and intrigue.

Discover its secrets, architecture, and the stories that echo through its ancient walls!


Nestled amidst the rugged terrain of Maharashtra, India, the Devgiri Fort stands as a testament to time’s enduring embrace.

A silent sentinel of history, this formidable fortress has weathered centuries of battles, shifting alliances, and the ebb and flow of civilizations.

As we embark on a journey through its storied past, we’ll unravel the enigma of Devgiri Fort, exploring its architectural marvels,

historical significance, and the legends that have been whispered within its walls.

A Glimpse of Devgiri Fort’s Enigmatic Legacy

Perched atop a precipitous hill in the heart of Maharashtra’s Daulatabad, Devgiri Fort is a compelling embodiment of India’s rich heritage.

Known by various names over the centuries, including Daulatabad Fort, Devgiri Fort has been a silent witness to the rise and fall of dynasties, empires, and the enduring spirit of India.

As we embark on our journey to uncover its mysteries, let’s delve into the captivating facets of this iconic stronghold.

The fort known as Daulatabad Fort and Devgiri Fort are essentially the same historical structure, with a difference in their names.

Here’s the name difference explained:

Daulatabad Fort: Daulatabad Fort is a historical fortress located in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

It was initially known as Devgiri Fort during its early history.

The name “Daulatabad” means the “City of Fortune” and was given to the fort when it came under the rule of Sultan Alauddin Khilji of the Delhi Sultanate in the late 13th century.

The renaming of the fort reflects its significance during different periods of Indian history, particularly under the Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Empire.

Devgiri Fort: Devgiri Fort is the original name of the same fort. It translates to the “Hill of Gods” in Marathi.

The fort was built in the 12th century by the Yadava Dynasty and served as their capital. Its name was changed to Daulatabad when it was captured by Sultan Alauddin Khilji.

So, both names, Daulatabad Fort and Devgiri Fort, refer to the same historical structure, but the name changed during different ruling dynasties,

reflecting its historical evolution and significance. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction in Maharashtra, known by both names

Devgiri Fort Location

Devgiri Fort, also known as Daulatabad Fort, is located in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

It is situated in a hilly upland area approximately 8 miles (13 kilometers) northwest of the city of Aurangabad.

The fort was originally built by the Yadava King Bhillama V in the 11th century CE and later renamed Daulatabad during the Mughal era.

It is a historically significant fortress that has witnessed centuries of history and is now a prominent tourist attraction in Maharashtra.

Also read – 5 Best Places to Visit in Aurangabad: Uncover Hidden Treasures!

Mumbai to Devgiri Fort

If you’re planning to travel from Mumbai to Devgiri Fort (also known as Daulatabad Fort), here are some travel options:

By Train: You can take a train from Mumbai to Aurangabad, which is the nearest major railway station to Devgiri Fort. The distance between Mumbai and Aurangabad is approximately 345 kilometers.

Once you reach Aurangabad, you can hire a taxi or take local transportation to reach Devgiri Fort. IRCTC

By Air: The nearest airport to Devgiri Fort is Aurangabad Airport (Chikkalthana Airport).

You can book a flight from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (Mumbai Airport) to Aurangabad Airport. From there, you can continue your journey to Devgiri Fort.

By Road: If you prefer to drive, you can take a road trip from Mumbai to Devgiri Fort.

The distance by road is approximately 345 kilometers, and it takes around 6-7 hours to reach. You can follow National Highway 160 (NH160) to reach Aurangabad and then proceed to Devgiri Fort.

By Bus: There are also bus services available from Mumbai to Aurangabad. You can check with bus operators for schedules and availability.

Please note that the travel time and distance may vary based on the mode of transportation and traffic conditions.

It’s advisable to plan your journey in advance and check for the latest travel updates and options.

Devgiri fort history: From Yadavas to Mughals

Daulatabad Fort, also known historically as Devgiri Fort, has a rich and fascinating history. Here is an overview of its historical significance:

Foundation: Daulatabad Fort was originally built by the Yadava King Bhillama V in the 11th century CE. It was known as Devgiri, which means the “Hill of the Gods.”

Early History: The fort served as the capital of the Yadava dynasty from the 12th to the early 14th century. It was strategically located atop a conical hill, making it a formidable defensive structure.

Name Change: In the late 13th century, the fort gained prominence under the rule of Sultan Alauddin Khilji of the Delhi Sultanate.

He captured the fort and renamed it “Daulatabad,” which means the “City of Fortune.”

Strategic Importance: Daulatabad Fort’s strategic location and impregnable defenses made it a key military and administrative

center during various dynasties, including the Bahmani Sultanate and the Mughals.

Mughal Rule: The fort was captured by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in the 17th century. He made it his capital for a brief period before shifting it back to Delhi.

Architectural Features: The fort is known for its intricate architecture, including a series of defensive walls, gates, and a remarkable Chand Minar (Tower of the Moon).

Tourist Attraction: Today, Daulatabad Fort is a popular tourist attraction in Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Visitors can explore its historical significance, marvel at its architecture, and enjoy panoramic views from the hill.

Daulatabad Fort, with its layered history and architectural marvels, stands as a testament to India’s rich historical heritage and its importance in various dynasties’ reigns.

Architectural Marvels: The Fort’s Impregnable Design

Devgiri fort

The Triangular Layout: A Tactical Triumph

Devgiri Fort’s unique triangular layout was a stroke of architectural genius. It thwarted attackers at every turn, creating a labyrinthine maze of defenses.

The Chand Minar: A Towering Symbol

Rising high within the fort, the Chand Minar is an architectural marvel, a minaret that stands as a testament to the fort’s glory and grandeur.

The Secret Passage: A Hidden Escape

Among the fort’s most intriguing features is its secret underground passage, connecting the fortress to the neighboring Ellora Caves.

This passage has sparked many a treasure hunt over the centuries.

Legends and Myths: The Mystique of Devgiri Fort

The Curse of Narayana

Legend has it that the fort is cursed by Narayana, a deity who once resided within its walls. It is said that no one could ever hold the fort for long, and history bears witness to this enigmatic curse.

The Ill-fated Elephant

The tale of the ill-fated elephant that carried the victorious Alauddin Khilji to the fort’s entrance is one that shrouds Devgiri in mystery.

As the elephant stumbled, it foretold the fort’s eventual downfall.

Also Read – Ajanta Caves: A Journey into India’s Best Ancient Art and Architecture

Devgiri Fort Today: A Cultural Treasure Trove

An Architectural Marvel Recognized

Devgiri Fort was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019, cementing its status as a global cultural treasure.

The Annual Ellora-Ajanta Festival

Every year, the fort hosts the Ellora-Ajanta Festival, a celebration of Indian culture featuring classical music and dance performances, drawing artists and enthusiasts from across the world.

A Photographer’s Paradise Devgiri Fort

For shutterbugs and history enthusiasts alike, Devgiri offers an array of stunning vistas and architectural details that beg to be captured through the lens.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the story of Devgiri fort?

Devgiri Fort, also known as Daulatabad Fort, has a rich and captivating history that spans several centuries. Here is the story of Devgiri Fort:

Yadava Dynasty: Devgiri Fort was founded in 1187 by Bhillama V, a Yadava chieftain. It was strategically located atop a conical hill, making it a formidable stronghold.

Alauddin Khilji’s Conquest: In the early 14th century, the fort witnessed a turbulent period when Alauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi, sought to conquer it. The conquest of Devgiri Fort by Khilji is steeped in legend and intrigue.

Mughal Era: The fort underwent significant changes during the Mughal era, including its renaming to Daulatabad. Aurangzeb, the sixth Mughal emperor, recognized the strategic value of the fortress and made it his own.

Architectural Marvels: Devgiri Fort is known for its unique triangular layout, which created a maze of defenses to thwart attackers. The Chand Minar, a towering minaret within the fort, stands as a symbol of its grandeur. Additionally, the fort boasts a secret underground passage connecting it to the neighboring Ellora Caves.

Legends and Myths: The fort is shrouded in legends, including the curse of Narayana, a deity said to reside within its walls. It is believed that this curse prevented anyone from holding the fort for an extended period. The tale of an ill-fated elephant that carried Alauddin Khilji to the fort’s entrance further adds to its mystique.

Modern Significance: Devgiri Fort was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019, underscoring its global cultural significance.
Today, it hosts the Ellora-Ajanta Festival, celebrating Indian culture through classical music and dance performances.
Devgiri Fort, with its historical significance, architectural marvels, and enigmatic legends, continues to captivate visitors and stands as a testament to India’s rich heritage.

Who built Devagiri fort?

Devagiri Fort, also known as Daulatabad Fort, was built by the Yadava King Bhillama V in the 11th century CE. The fort is strategically located in Daulatabad village near Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. It was originally known as Devgiri, which translates to the “Hill of Gods,” and it served as a formidable hill fortress during its early history.

What is Devagiri famous for?

Devagiri, also known as Daulatabad, is famous for its historic fort, Daulatabad Fort. This fortress is renowned for several reasons:

Historical Significance: Daulatabad Fort has a rich history and was the capital of the Yadava dynasty in the 12th century. It played a significant role during the rule of various dynasties, including the Yadavas, Khiljis, Tughlaqs, Mughals, Marathas, and Nizam of Hyderabad.

Strategic Location: The fort is strategically located atop a conical hill, making it a formidable stronghold. Its unique triangular layout and complex defenses make it an architectural marvel.

Cultural Heritage: Daulatabad Fort is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a symbol of India’s rich cultural heritage. It hosts the annual Ellora-Ajanta Festival, celebrating classical music and dance performances, attracting artists and enthusiasts from around the world.

Legends and Myths: The fort is shrouded in legends and myths, including the belief that it was cursed by the deity Narayana, preventing anyone from holding the fort for an extended period. The tale of an ill-fated elephant that carried Alauddin Khilji to the fort’s entrance adds to its mystique.

Overall, Devagiri’s fame primarily revolves around the historical and architectural significance of Daulatabad Fort, which stands as a testament to India’s rich heritage and cultural div

Who defeated Devgiri fort

Devgiri Fort, also known as Daulatabad Fort, witnessed multiple conquerors and rulers throughout its history.
One of the most notable conquerors was Alauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi.
In the early 14th century, during his reign,
Alauddin Khilji successfully defeated and captured Devgiri Fort after a prolonged siege. This conquest is often regarded as a significant event in the history of the fort.

However, it’s essential to note that Devgiri Fort changed hands multiple times over the centuries,
and different rulers and dynasties had their periods of control. The fort was ruled by the Yadavas, Khiljis, Tughlaqs, Mughals, Marathas, and the Nizam of Hyderabad at various points in history.
So, while Alauddin Khilji is known for one of the notable conquests of Devgiri Fort, the fort’s history is marked by a series of changing rulers and conquerors over time.

How many stairs are there in Devgiri fort?

Devgiri Fort, also known as Daulatabad Fort, is famous for its impressive flight of stairs that leads to the top of the fort.
There are a total of approximately 700 steps that one must climb to reach the summit of the fort.
These stone steps are not only a means of access but also a part of the fort’s formidable defenses, designed to make it a challenging fortress to conquer.

Climbing these stairs provides visitors with a unique historical and physical experience, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and an insight into the architectural and strategic brilliance of the fort’s design.


In the heart of Maharashtra, the enigmatic Devgiri Fort stands as a symbol of India’s enduring history and architectural prowess.

From its inception under the Yadava dynasty to its turbulent encounters with Alauddin Khilji and its transformation under the Mughals, the fort has weathered the tides of time.

Its architectural marvels, such as the triangular layout and the awe-inspiring Chand Minar, continue to astound visitors.

Yet, it’s the legends and myths that shroud Devgiri in mystique. The curse of Narayana and the tale of the ill-fated elephant lend an air of intrigue to this historical gem.

Today, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and host to the Ellora-Ajanta Festival, Devgiri remains not just a relic of the past but a living testament to India’s rich cultural heritage.

So, whether you’re an adventurer, a history buff, or simply someone seeking to immerse yourself in the grandeur of the past, Devgiri Fort beckons.

Step through its ancient gates, walk its weathered ramparts, and let the echoes of history transport you to a bygone era—a journey through time that’s nothing short of extraordinary.

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